The most confusing thing about dementia is that its symptoms differ from one person to the next. For this reason, it becomes really challenging for family members or caregivers to know when it’s the right time to transfer their loved one to memory care assisted facility.
Although placing your elderly senior in a memory care home is one of the most heartbreaking decisions, it is not as heart-wrenching as seeing them lose themselves or go through pain and agony.
Therefore, if you don't want to look in hindsight and regret deciding to move your loved one into a memory care home too late, you ought to know some of the signs that indicate it time to opt for assisted memory care. In this piece, we’ll go through some commonplace signs that show when it’s right to seek specialized memory care service for your loved one.
1. When a Person’s Safety is in Jeopardy
If you discover that your loved one is having a hard time functioning independently and are starting to exhibit traits that may put their lives at risk, this is enough warning that they need specialized care. At the initial stages, individuals with Alzheimer’s or any form of dementia may have the capability to do things independently.
However, you might discover that they are starting to get disoriented or forgetting to do things the right way in the late stages. For instance, they may fail to turn off the taps after washing their hands, switch the stove off after cooking, or even forget road signs when driving. It might be heartbreaking not to see your loved one every day once you take them to a memory care home, but as they say, "its better to be safe than sorry. “
2. Deterioration in Health

Cognitive deficits such as dementia may affect a person's ability to eat the recommended diet or take their medications. If a person you're taking care of has a chronic disease that requires regular medication, failure to take the medicines in the correct dosage and at the right time may lead to serious health complications.
Additionally, the decline in cognitive ability may make an individual forget to eat and experience rapid weight loss. Some may also forget that they have eaten and eat multiple times leading to excessive weight gain.
When you look at your senior loved one and notice that they are starting to appear different, whether by becoming thin or puffy or having pale skin, it may be the right time for memory care placement. If It reaches a point when you discover that a person is even incapable of taking care of their health, this is a sign that they need assisted memory care.
3. Once the Person's Needs are Beyond Your Capabilities
Whether you're helping out a family member or a caregiver, there comes a time when the condition of the patient you're taking care of worsens. The patient may require an increased level of medical assistance and the enormity of tasks that are impossible to sustain. If you have reached a point where you’re feeling overwhelmed by the unceasing care requirements, it's time to consider memory care.
Some of the symptoms associated with severe memory loss may pose challenges to family members and caregivers. These include repetitive speech, wandering, paranoia, agitation, sleeplessness, and anger issues. If it becomes evident that you can no longer cope with some of these issues, this a telltale sign that memory care is the only option.
4. Social Isolation

Alzheimer’s or dementia comes with some behavioral changes that may need special attention. One of such is isolation. Since symptoms such as wandering, confusion, and disorientation may make your loved one not get out as much, this might increase loneliness and make them feel isolated. Actually, based on the American Society on Aging study, it is estimated that up to 34% of individuals ailing from dementia are socially isolated.
When you feel that your elderly senior is no longer making connections or enjoying their inherent hobbies, this is a signal that they need to be in a memory care facility. The memory care centers boast numerous daily activities that can help your loved ones get out of their cocoons and interact with others as they enjoy whatever they like doing.
5. Incontinence and Mobility Issues

Although you may feel that you have whatever it takes to take care of a person with dementia, there comes a moment when you rethink your earlier position. For instance, if your senior citizen starts having difficulties moving around or going to the bathroom. Once your loved one begins experiencing incontinence, this becomes unsanitary and may demand more than you can offer.
Suppose an individual with Alzheimer's starts experiencing mobility problems. In that case, it means that they'll have to be whisked out of bed and assisted with nearly all activities, from bathing to moving around. This can be highly overwhelming and maybe a clear sign that the person needs to be checked into a memory care home with skilled caregivers that can handle all these things.
Final Verdict,
Checking your loved ones to a memory care facility doesn’t mean that you don’t love them. It means that you care enough to see them improve and enjoy a quality life. If you have been taking care of an individual with memory loss problems and notice some of the signs mentioned in this article, finding them a memory care home is the only lasting solution.
A small Residential Care Home like Light Heart Memory Care is able to give someone with this disease the extra care and attention they need.
Light Heart Memory Care homes are specially designed for 8 residents. This gives us the ability to give personalized care to each and every resident.

In honor of our founder Pat Mack, we are carrying on the tradition of caring for our residents in "The Light Heart Way"
to schedule a tour of Light Heart Memory Care.