When someone you love has dementia the holidays can be more stressful. These 5 Holiday Self Care Tips will help you to stay balanced. And you may even find that you enjoy the holidays again.
Self Care Tip #1- Recognize Your Grief
Yes! You are grieving. You spouse, mom, dad or other loved one may still be here physically but you are still experiencing loss. The loss of what once was. And the loss of what could have been. Recognize that you are grieving.
And reach for help. You are not the first person to experience this and you will not be the last. Let someone help you today so later you can pay forward the kindness by helping someone else who is going through what you are now experiencing.
Self Care Tip # 2-Set Boundaries

Set boundaries with your family. Learn to find your voice to ask for what you need. You are just as important as the one you care for. Let your sister know that dropping in unannounced during the later hours of the day is not appropriate. Make others respect the routines you have created. And inform your brother that you need him to either help care for mom or pay for someone to help. You need time off too.
Self Care Tip #3- Choose Only What You Enjoy

The holiday season often comes packed with a lot of “shoulds”. You don’t have to do everything simply because that is what you have always done. If you hate writing holiday cards then just don’t do it this year. Yes, Aunt Mable will probably say something. But she will get over it. On the other hand, it that is what gives you joy then by all means make writing and mailing holiday cards a priority! Pick and choose the activities that bring you joy.
Self Care Tip # 4-Get Outside- Exercise- Move Your Body

Even if you can only get out for a few minutes a day. The sun delivers Vitamin D and that will help your mood. Furthermore, our body was designed to move. Pop in a set of earphones and listen to music or a podcast that is uplifting. Take a walk, a bike ride , practice Tai Chi or work in your garden planting some winter flowers or vegetables.
Self Care Tip # 5- Have a Spiritual Practice

Having a regular spiritual practice is important. This will help to keep you grounded. And you will feel a sense of peace also. A few minutes each day in the morning and again in the evening will make a huge difference. Read the bible or other spiritual teachings, meditate, or write in a gratitude journal. These and other practices are critical for your self care.
In honor of our founder Pat Mack we are carrying on the tradition of caring for our residents in "The Light Heart Way"

Call_281-282-0770 to schedule a tour of Light Heart Memory Care.
And remember to have a light heart. Everything is going to be okay.